Exploring Environmental Sustainability at Florida A&M University

In an era marked by environmental challenges, students at Florida A&M University strive to expand their knowledge on the importance of climate change and the significance of environmental sustainability. Join me as we explore the initiatives, clubs, and opportunities provided by FAMU's School of the Environment, and discover how students are becoming advocates for environmental change in a world grappling with the effects of climate change.

Comprehensive Curriculum and Hands-On Engagement

Discover how FAMU's School of the Environment offers a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on engagement opportunities for students interested in environmental studies.

At FAMU, students who are interested in pursuing environmental studies are exposed to a rather comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond a traditional classroom. The School of the Environment provides a range of courses and programs that cover various aspects of environmental science and environmental studies.

Students have the opportunity to engage in clubs and organizations, weekly seminars, and a variety of student- and faculty-led projects. These hands-on experiences allow students to apply their knowledge and contribute to raising awareness and making a positive impact on the environment.

For example, the FAMU Environmental Sustainability Club, with its 200 active members, hosts various initiatives and activities such as litter cleanups, animal shelter supply drives, and student engagement events. By participating in these activities, students not only gain practical experience but also contribute to creating a more sustainable FAMU community.

Empowering Students to Become Agents of Change

Learn how FAMU's School of the Environment empowers students to become agents of change in the face of climate change and environmental challenges.

FAMU not only educates students about the significance of climate change but also empowers them to take action and become advocates for environmental sustainability. Through conferences, workshops, and close proximity resources, students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in areas such as renewable energy sources, food security, and sustainability.

By providing these opportunities, FAMU encourages students to explore environmental careers and make a positive impact on the world. Students like Autumn Dancy, the president of FAMU's Sustainability Club, are using their knowledge and love for the Earth to serve and create a sustainable future.

With the support of the School of the Environment, students are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to address the challenges and opportunities of climate change, making a difference both on campus and in the wider community.

Raising Awareness and Taking Action

Discover how FAMU's School of the Environment encourages students to raise awareness and take action on climate change and environmental issues.

Climate change is a significant topic in the School of the Environment curriculum, with a focus on data, research, and scientific evidence. Students learn about the correlation between increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the never-before-seen changes in the global climate.

The Sustainability Club at FAMU plays a crucial role in raising awareness and engaging students in environmental initiatives. Through initiatives like minimizing the use of single-use plastics and papers, reducing meat and dairy consumption, and promoting environmentally conscious products, students are encouraged to make small individual changes that collectively make a difference.

By organizing events, collaborating with other clubs and organizations, and educating the community, FAMU students are actively contributing to a more sustainable future and inspiring others to take action.

Opportunities for Research and Environmental Careers

Explore the opportunities provided by FAMU's School of the Environment for research and pursuing environmental careers.

FAMU offers students numerous opportunities to engage in research on the ecosystem and contribute to the field of environmental science. Programs in environmental science and environmental studies provide students with access to resources and facilities that support their research endeavors.

Through attending conferences, workshops, and networking events, students can further expand their knowledge and connect with professionals in the environmental field. These experiences not only enhance their understanding of environmental issues but also provide valuable insights into potential career paths.

Destiny Coleman, a fourth-year environmental science major, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the environment and valuing the Earth's resources. By pursuing environmental careers, students like Coleman can make a meaningful impact on the world and contribute to creating a sustainable future.


Florida A&M University's School of the Environment is at the forefront of environmental sustainability and climate change education. Through a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on engagement opportunities, and a focus on raising awareness and taking action, FAMU empowers students to become agents of change in a world grappling with environmental challenges.

By providing students with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to address climate change, FAMU is shaping the future of environmental advocates and leaders. Through clubs, organizations, and research opportunities, students are actively making a positive impact on campus and in the wider community.

As we face the urgent need for sustainable solutions, FAMU's School of the Environment plays a vital role in preparing students to tackle the environmental issues of today and tomorrow. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for our planet.


What opportunities does FAMU provide for students interested in environmental studies?

FAMU offers a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on engagement opportunities, and access to clubs, organizations, and research projects for students interested in environmental studies.

How does FAMU empower students to become agents of change?

FAMU empowers students by providing conferences, workshops, and resources on renewable energy, food security, and sustainability. Students are encouraged to take action and make a positive impact on the environment.

What is the role of the Sustainability Club at FAMU?

The Sustainability Club at FAMU raises awareness about environmental issues and organizes initiatives such as litter cleanups, animal shelter supply drives, and student engagement events. They encourage individual actions to minimize environmental impact.

What opportunities are available for research and environmental careers at FAMU?

FAMU provides opportunities for students to engage in research on the ecosystem and offers programs in environmental science and environmental studies. Students can attend conferences, workshops, and networking events to further their knowledge and explore potential career paths.

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