Research Reveals How Communities Can Adapt to Natural Disasters

In a groundbreaking study funded by the National Science Foundation, the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is partnering with communities in western Alaska to understand the impacts of climate change and develop strategies for adaptation. As rates of climate warming in the region continue to rise, it is crucial to find innovative solutions to combat increasing flooding, coastal erosion, and other hazards. This research aims to create knowledge that can be applied to other at-risk communities, ultimately improving their capacity to adapt and thrive in the face of natural disasters.

Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change in Western Alaska

Explore the alarming effects of climate change in western Alaska and how it is impacting the region's coastal communities.

Western Alaska is experiencing a rapid increase in climate warming, with rates four times higher than the global average. This has led to a range of devastating impacts, including flooding, coastal erosion, permafrost thaw, and the loss of sea ice. These changes pose significant challenges to the communities in the region, threatening their livelihoods and cultural heritage.

Coastal communities in western Alaska, such as Chignik Bay, are particularly vulnerable to these impacts. Rising sea levels and erosion are putting homes, infrastructure, and traditional fishing grounds at risk. It is crucial to understand the extent of these impacts and develop strategies to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The AC3TION Grant: Collaborative Research for Adaptation

Learn about the groundbreaking AC3TION grant and how it is bringing together researchers, communities, and federal agencies to address climate change in Alaska.

The AC3TION grant, also known as the Alaska Coastal Cooperative for Co-producing Transformative Ideas and Opportunities in the North, is a $13.9 million program funded by the National Science Foundation. Led by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, this collaborative effort involves partners such as the University of Texas at El Paso, Arizona State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and rural coastal communities in Alaska.

One of the key objectives of the AC3TION grant is to develop web-based mapping and information systems that provide crucial data on the region's geography, oceanography, and socioecological footprint. These systems will enable local communities, researchers, and federal agencies to make informed decisions and develop action plans to address the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.

Inclusive Research: Empowering Local Communities

Discover how the AC3TION grant is prioritizing the involvement of local communities in research and decision-making processes.

A key differentiator of the AC3TION grant is its emphasis on including local communities as equal research partners. Traditionally, research conducted in Alaska has often overlooked the valuable knowledge and perspectives of native communities. However, this project recognizes the importance of local input and collaboration in addressing climate change and its impacts.

By involving community members in identifying research questions and developing culturally responsive solutions, the AC3TION grant aims to create meaningful and lasting impacts. The Chignik Intertribal Coalition, located in Alaska, is one of the community partners leading the research efforts. Their firsthand experiences and insights are invaluable in finding effective and trusted solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.

Building Resilience: Adapting to Climate Change

Explore the strategies being developed to help communities in western Alaska adapt and build resilience in the face of climate change.

Building resilience is crucial for communities in western Alaska to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The research conducted through the AC3TION grant aims to provide communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop effective adaptation strategies.

These strategies may include implementing coastal protection measures, diversifying livelihoods, and incorporating traditional knowledge into decision-making processes. By combining scientific research with local wisdom, communities can enhance their resilience and minimize the risks posed by climate change and natural disasters.

Knowledge Transfer: Lessons for At-Risk Communities

Discover how the research conducted in western Alaska can benefit other at-risk and underserved communities facing similar challenges.

The research conducted through the AC3TION grant is not only focused on addressing the specific challenges faced by communities in western Alaska but also aims to create knowledge that can be transferred to other at-risk and underserved communities.

By sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovative solutions, the research team hopes to empower communities around the world to adapt and build resilience in the face of climate change. This knowledge transfer is crucial in ensuring that no community is left behind and that all have the opportunity to thrive in a changing climate.


The research conducted through the AC3TION grant in western Alaska is shedding light on the alarming impacts of climate change and providing valuable insights into adaptation strategies. By involving local communities as equal research partners, this project is ensuring that their voices are heard and their knowledge is respected. The collaborative efforts of researchers, communities, and federal agencies are paving the way for innovative solutions and empowering at-risk communities to build resilience in the face of natural disasters.

Furthermore, the knowledge gained from this research has the potential to benefit other at-risk and underserved communities around the world. By sharing best practices and lessons learned, we can work together to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all.


What are the main impacts of climate change in western Alaska?

The main impacts of climate change in western Alaska include increasing flooding, coastal erosion, permafrost thaw, and the loss of sea ice. These changes pose significant challenges to the region's coastal communities.

How is the AC3TION grant different from previous research efforts in Alaska?

The AC3TION grant stands out for its inclusive approach, involving local communities as equal research partners. This ensures that their knowledge and perspectives are valued and incorporated into the research process.

What strategies are being developed to help communities adapt to climate change in western Alaska?

Strategies being developed include coastal protection measures, livelihood diversification, and incorporating traditional knowledge into decision-making processes. These strategies aim to enhance resilience and minimize the risks posed by climate change.

How can the research conducted in western Alaska benefit other at-risk communities?

The research conducted in western Alaska can benefit other at-risk communities by sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovative solutions. This knowledge transfer empowers communities worldwide to adapt and build resilience in the face of climate change.

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