The Absurdity of the Lack of Taxes on Jet Fuel: Advocating for a Global Change

Welcome, my fellow readers! Today, let's delve into a topic that has baffled the minds of many - the glaring absence of taxes on kerosene jet fuel. As I, John Green, former novelist turned climate enthusiast, take up the mantle of shedding light on this issue, we'll discuss the urgent need for a global tax on jet fuel and its potential to support those who have been ravaged by climate disasters in developing countries. Are you ready? Let's proceed on this journey together.

The Biggest Absurdity: No Taxes on Jet Fuel

Let's unravel the biggest absurdity of our time – the lack of taxes on kerosene jet fuel. Join me in exploring this illogicality and understanding the implications it carries.

Imagine this: When I drive my car to fill up at a petrol station, a significant portion of what I pay goes towards taxes. However, when it comes to refueling a jet, there is no tax due. Combining my persona as a climate enthusiast with my writing signature hinting in the background, it becomes clearer than ever before that this situation simply doesn't make sense. In this section, let's delve into the absurdity for a bit.

The glaring absence of taxes on kerosene jet fuel has withstood the test of time, prevailing as one of the greatest paradoxes of our modern world. While we pay taxes for driving our cars and using other forms of transportation, jets - those notorious significant contributors to pollution - roam freely, exempt from any taxation. It's time to ask ourselves, my readers, is this truly a fair system? Let that thought simmer as we invite a deeper exploration of this perplexing matter.

The Role of a Global Tax on Jet Fuel

Discover the potential of implementing a global tax on jet fuel to generate revenue for crucial climate funds, benefiting the victims of climate disasters in developing nations.

The solution we propose is a simple yet powerful one - initiating a global tax on jet fuel that can serve as an excellent revenue stream for essential climate funds. By implementing this tax, we can allocate resources towards a vital cause: supporting the victims of climate-related disasters in developing countries. Allow me to elucidate further:

Instrument for Climate Justice

Climate programmes and schemes, especially those aimed at supporting developing nations, often require a robust financial backbone. A solid policy that levies taxes on jet fuel presents a feasible way to address this need, redirecting the generated revenue towards funding loss and damage initiatives and climate adaption efforts by these nations. By doing so, we can acknowledge and address the concept of climate justice, fostering a sense of responsibility on a global level.

A Welcome Parity

The introduction of a tax that applies to the jet fuel industry will create a fairer playing field— leashing the exemption enjoyed by this sector and further aligning it with the environmental footprint it leaves behind. Striving for a sustainable future requires collective action, and instituting a global tax on jet fuel a promising step in the right direction.

Understanding the Challenges

Navigate through the hurdles that lie on the path to implementing a global tax on jet fuel and the complexities surrounding this prospective reform.

Transitioning from the gaps in policy formulation to their effective implementation is comparable to traversing a maze fraught with challenges. Initiating, agreeing upon, and implementing a global tax on jet fuel is no exception. As ambitious as advocating for this reform may seem, it is imperative to acknowledge and shed light on the existing obstacles. Let's explore them:

A Harmonious Consensus

In order to make a global tax on jet fuel a reality, achieving consensus between countries becomes a primary obstacle. Persuading other nations to renegotiate existing aviation agreements is a complex task, as time limitations pose an extra challenge given my tenure ending in 2024. With diversity of interests and perspectives, this arduous consensus-building process requires a delicate balance of diplomacy intertwined with resilience.

The Divergent Landscape

This transformative reform assumes significance when endorsed globally. However, drawing in enthusiasm from countries beyond Europe remains a challenge. A notable absence of support from key stakeholders, coupled with skepticism from developing nations and the financial constraints faced by rich nations, present hurdles to surmount.

Alternative Approaches

Explore possibilities outside of the global stage with an exploration of a coalition of willing countries and regional initiatives favoring aviation taxes on the national or EU level.

The Coalition of the Willing

While securing a global tax may be a formidable task, alternative approaches that focus on regional or national taxation systems can evince success. By forming a coalition among like-minded nations striving to combat climate change, we open the possibility of creating regional initiatives that levy aviation taxes within their jurisdiction. Though smaller in scale, such alternatives can still contribute significantly to climate action initiatives. Are we ready to nurture cooperation amongst countries for a collective purpose, my dear readers?

EU-Level Initiatives

The European Union has actively pursued an EU-wide aviation tax to address the issue at hand. However, dissenting voices from member states like Cyprus and Malta have stalled progress. Nonetheless, exploring a collaborative approach within the EU offers a road map for harnessing a regional standpoint and fostering much-needed change. While detail-specific interventions warrant in-depth scrutiny, exploring diverse alternatives can navigate us toward creating a sustainable future.


In conclusion, the absence of taxes on kerosene jet fuel stands as a chilling paradox in today's world striving for climate justice. Proposing a global tax on jet fuel is a pivotal step towards rectifying this discrepancy and generating essential revenue for climate funds designed to support those affected by climate disasters in developing countries. By fostering harmonious consensus and exploring alternatives within national and regional frameworks, we can pave the way for a sustainable future.


Why should we implement a tax on jet fuel?

Implementing a tax on jet fuel serves as a critical instrument for climate justice, generating revenue for climate funds and supporting the victims of climate disasters in developing countries. It also aims to create a fairer playing field and holds a promise of fostering a sustainable future.

What are the challenges in implementing a global tax on jet fuel?

Achieving a harmonious consensus among nations poses a primary challenge, as does obtaining adequate support from countries beyond Europe. Rebooting existing aviation agreements and navigating divergent interests require diplomatic finesse and resilience.

Are there alternatives to a global tax on jet fuel?

Indeed, exploring alternative approaches such as forming a coalition of willing countries on a regional or national scale can contribute significantly. Additionally, focusing on EU-level initiatives within the European Union showcases the potential for harnessing regional strategies in propelling positive change.

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