Unleash Your Inner Geoscientist: Join the University of Kentucky's Earth Science Week Open House

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the fascinating world of geoscience? Look no further than the University of Kentucky's Earth Science Week Open House. This annual event, hosted by the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), offers a unique opportunity to explore the wonders of our planet and learn about the geological resources, environmental issues, and natural hazards affecting Kentucky. From explosive volcano demonstrations to meteorites and fossils, there's something for everyone at this free, educational event. Join us on October 11th from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and unleash your inner geoscientist!

Unleash the Power of Geoscience

Discover the fascinating world of geoscience and its impact on our daily lives.

Geoscience, the study of the Earth's solid materials, is a field that holds immense importance in understanding our planet and its resources. From the formation of mountains to the occurrence of natural hazards, geoscience plays a crucial role in shaping our environment and society.

At the University of Kentucky's Earth Science Week Open House, you'll have the opportunity to dive deep into the world of geoscience and unleash your inner curiosity. Through interactive displays, demonstrations, and expert talks, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of our planet and the role geoscience plays in our daily lives.

Witness the Explosive Power of Volcanoes

Experience the thrill of a volcanic eruption and learn about the geological processes behind these natural phenomena.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to witness a volcanic eruption up close? At the Earth Science Week Open House, you'll have the chance to experience the explosive power of volcanoes through a thrilling outdoor volcano demonstration. Watch in awe as molten lava spews from the volcano, showcasing the immense forces at work beneath the Earth's surface.

During the demonstration, geoscientists will explain the geological processes that lead to volcanic eruptions and the impact they have on the surrounding environment. It's a unique opportunity to learn about the incredible forces that shape our planet and the role of volcanoes in the Earth's dynamic system.

Discover the Mysteries of Meteorites

Explore the fascinating world of meteorites and learn about their origins and significance.

Have you ever held a piece of outer space in your hands? At the Earth Science Week Open House, you'll get the chance to explore a collection of meteorites and learn about their origins and significance. These extraterrestrial rocks hold valuable clues about the formation of our solar system and the processes that shaped our planet.

Geoscientists will guide you through the fascinating world of meteorites, sharing stories of their discovery and the scientific insights they provide. From iron-nickel meteorites to stony chondrites, you'll get a glimpse into the vastness of our universe and the wonders it holds.

Journey Through Time with Fossils

Step back in time and explore a diverse collection of fossils from Kentucky and around the world.

Imagine walking among ancient creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago. At the Earth Science Week Open House, you'll have the opportunity to step back in time and explore a diverse collection of fossils. From the mighty dinosaurs to tiny marine organisms, these remnants of the past provide a window into the history of life on our planet.

Geoscientists will share their expertise and guide you through the fascinating world of paleontology. Learn about the different types of fossils, their preservation, and the insights they provide into Earth's past environments. It's a journey through time that will leave you in awe of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on our planet.

Understanding the Harmful Effects of Radon

Learn about the dangers of radon and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from its harmful effects.

Radon, a colorless and odorless gas, is a significant health hazard that can seep into homes and buildings. At the Earth Science Week Open House, experts from the Kentucky Geological Survey will educate you about the dangers of radon and provide valuable information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Through informative displays and expert talks, you'll learn about the sources of radon, its harmful effects on human health, and the steps you can take to mitigate its presence in your home. It's an opportunity to gain the knowledge and tools necessary to create a safe and healthy living environment.

Exploring Kentucky's Geological Treasures

Uncover the rich geological heritage of Kentucky and learn about the valuable resources found within its borders.

Kentucky is home to a wealth of geological treasures, from valuable minerals to ancient rock formations. At the Earth Science Week Open House, you'll have the chance to explore the state's geological heritage and learn about the resources that have shaped its history and economy.

Geoscientists will showcase a variety of Kentucky rocks and minerals, highlighting their unique properties and economic significance. From coal to limestone, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the role these resources play in our daily lives and the importance of responsible resource management.


The University of Kentucky's Earth Science Week Open House is an incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of geoscience and deepen your understanding of our planet. From explosive volcano demonstrations to fascinating meteorites and fossils, this event offers a unique and educational experience for all ages.

By attending the open house, you'll not only gain knowledge about the geological resources, environmental issues, and natural hazards affecting Kentucky, but you'll also have the chance to interact with experts in the field and ask questions that pique your curiosity.

So mark your calendars for October 11th and join us at the Mining and Mineral Resources Building on the University of Kentucky campus. Unleash your inner geoscientist and embark on a journey of discovery and wonder!


What is geoscience?

Geoscience is the study of the Earth's solid materials and the processes that shape our planet.

Is the Earth Science Week Open House suitable for all ages?

Yes, the open house is designed to be educational and engaging for K-12 students, parents, teachers, and anyone interested in geoscience.

Is there a cost to attend the open house?

No, the Earth Science Week Open House is free and open to the public.

What can I expect to see at the open house?

You can expect to see explosive volcano demonstrations, meteorites, fossils, displays on radon and natural hazards, high-power scanning electron microscopes, and much more.

Where is the open house located?

The open house takes place at the Mining and Mineral Resources Building (MMRB) on the University of Kentucky campus, located at 310 Columbia Ave.

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