Unveiling the New Dean of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Introducing the distinguished Andrea Baccarelli, an eminent scholar in environmental health sciences, who will assume the role of dean at the prestigious Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. With his extensive knowledge in the molecular mechanisms connecting environmental exposures to human disease, Baccarelli brings a fresh perspective and a deep appreciation for the school's distinctive culture, strengths, and promise. Let's delve into his remarkable achievements and his vision for tackling pressing public health challenges.

A Remarkable Scientist and Academic Leader

Explore the outstanding accomplishments and expertise of Andrea Baccarelli, the newly appointed dean of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Andrea Baccarelli, an esteemed scholar in environmental health sciences, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his role as the dean of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. With a background in molecular mechanisms linking environmental exposures to human disease, Baccarelli has made significant contributions to the field. His expertise and leadership will undoubtedly propel the school to new heights.

Throughout his career, Baccarelli has demonstrated a deep commitment to scientific inquiry and academic excellence. His research on the impact of environmental factors on human health has garnered international recognition and has influenced policy decisions. As a renowned epigeneticist and endocrinologist, Baccarelli's work has shed light on the complex interplay between our environment and disease development.

A Vision for Addressing Public Health Challenges

Discover Andrea Baccarelli's vision for the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and his approach to tackling pressing public health challenges.

As the new dean, Baccarelli is poised to lead the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in addressing a wide range of public health challenges. His multidisciplinary approach and commitment to innovation will drive the development of solutions to complex issues.

Embracing Collective Action and Innovative Thinking

Baccarelli recognizes that today's public health challenges require collective action and innovative thinking. Whether it's the threats of pandemics, the complexities of mental health, or the multifaceted challenges posed by environmental and social determinants of health, Baccarelli believes that by harnessing the power of collaboration and leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence, data science, and human biology, we can craft effective solutions and drive meaningful change.

Informing Policy and Guiding Best Practices

Baccarelli's research has not only expanded our understanding of the impact of environmental exposures on human health but has also informed policy decisions and shaped best practices. His work has influenced international guidelines for air pollution control and has contributed to the development of stricter guidelines for human exposure. Under his leadership, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will continue to be at the forefront of driving evidence-based policies and practices.

The Return to Harvard: Insider and Outsider Perspectives

Learn about the unique perspective that Andrea Baccarelli brings to his role as dean, combining insider knowledge with an outsider's fresh perspective.

Baccarelli's return to Harvard represents a harmonious blend of insider knowledge and an outsider's fresh perspective. Having previously served as an associate professor in the department of environmental health, Baccarelli is intimately familiar with the school's culture, strengths, and promise. However, his time away from Harvard has allowed him to gain new insights and maintain strong relationships with colleagues at other institutions.

This unique combination of experiences positions Baccarelli to bring a fresh perspective to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He will leverage his deep appreciation for the school's distinctive culture while also introducing innovative ideas and approaches from his time at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. This duality will undoubtedly enrich the school's academic environment and drive progress in public health research and education.


Andrea Baccarelli's appointment as the new dean of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health marks an exciting chapter for the renowned institution. With his exceptional scientific expertise, leadership skills, and innovative vision, Baccarelli is well-equipped to guide the school in addressing pressing public health challenges.

His multidisciplinary approach, informed by his extensive research on the molecular mechanisms connecting environmental exposures to human disease, will drive the development of evidence-based policies and practices. Under his guidance, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will continue to be a global leader in public health research, education, and impact.

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