Upcoming COP28 Summit: Responding Decisively to Global Climate Action Gaps

Next month’s UN climate summit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) must respond decisively to the gaps in the international community’s response to the climate crisis. Deputy-Secretary-General Amina Mohamed emphasized the critical moment this summit represents in the fight against climate change. The summit's main outcome, the Global Stocktake, needs to address the alarming findings of science and the existing gaps in mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. Let's explore how the COP28 summit aims to transform the global response to the climate crisis.

The Critical Moment in the Fight Against Climate Change

Explore the significance of the upcoming COP28 summit in addressing the global climate crisis.

The upcoming COP28 summit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is being convened at a critical moment in the fight against the climate crisis. Deputy-Secretary-General Amina Mohamed emphasized the urgent need for a decisive response to the gaps in the international community's efforts to combat climate change.

The summit's main outcome, the Global Stocktake, aims to address the alarming findings of science and the existing gaps in mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. It is crucial for the summit to provide a platform for countries and stakeholders to come together and collectively transform the global response to the climate crisis.

The Global Stocktake: Assessing Progress and Identifying Gaps

Learn about the role of the Global Stocktake in evaluating global climate action and identifying areas for improvement.

The Global Stocktake is a sequence of UN-facilitated meetings and events that have taken place over the past year. Its purpose is to enable countries and stakeholders to assess their progress in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement.

During the COP28 summit, the Global Stocktake will play a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of current climate actions and identifying gaps in mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. This assessment will provide a foundation for future negotiations and the development of more ambitious climate targets.

Pre-COP: Laying the Groundwork for COP28

Discover the significance of the Pre-COP meeting in preparing for the upcoming COP28 summit.

The Pre-COP meeting, held in Abu Dhabi, serves as a key opportunity for countries to unite behind a collective ambition to address the climate crisis. It is the last formal ministerial engagement before COP28 and aims to lay the groundwork for negotiations.

During the two-day preparatory meeting, countries will have the chance to discuss and refine their positions, identify areas of common interest, and build momentum for effective climate action. The outcomes of the Pre-COP meeting will shape the discussions and decisions at the COP28 summit.

The Need for Clear and Ambitious Climate Ambitions

Understand the importance of clear and ambitious climate ambitions in driving global action.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell emphasized the need for clear and ambitious climate ambitions. The vagueness of previous agreements has hindered progress in addressing the climate crisis.

At COP28, it is crucial for countries to chart a clear path toward achieving their climate goals. This includes setting ambitious targets, implementing effective policies, and ensuring transparency in reporting progress. Clear and ambitious climate ambitions will drive global action and pave the way for a sustainable future.


The upcoming COP28 summit in the United Arab Emirates is a critical moment in the fight against the climate crisis. It is an opportunity for the international community to respond decisively to the gaps in global climate action. The summit's main outcome, the Global Stocktake, will play a crucial role in assessing progress and identifying areas for improvement. The Pre-COP meeting serves as a platform for countries to lay the groundwork for effective negotiations. Clear and ambitious climate ambitions are essential in driving global action. Let us unite behind a collective ambition to transform the global response to the climate crisis.


What is the main outcome of the COP28 summit?

The main outcome of the COP28 summit is the Global Stocktake, which evaluates progress and identifies gaps in global climate action.

Why is the Pre-COP meeting important?

The Pre-COP meeting is important as it provides an opportunity for countries to discuss and refine their positions, build momentum, and lay the groundwork for effective negotiations at the COP28 summit.

What is the role of clear and ambitious climate ambitions?

Clear and ambitious climate ambitions are crucial in driving global action. They help chart a clear path toward achieving climate goals and pave the way for a sustainable future.

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