Transforming Education with Green Classrooms: A Sustainable Future for Students

Step into the world of green classrooms, where students are gaining valuable life skills through hands-on experience with urban farming. In this article, we explore the exciting launch of a new hydroponic lab at PS 25 The Bilingual School in the Bronx, supported by the New York Power Authority (NYPA). Discover how this innovative program is inspiring young minds, fostering a love for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Empowering Students Through Urban Farming

Discover how the hydroponic lab at PS 25 The Bilingual School is transforming education by teaching students valuable life skills and fostering a love for sustainable agriculture.

Imagine a classroom where students learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through the exciting world of urban farming. At PS 25 The Bilingual School in the Bronx, students are getting hands-on experience with a hydroponic lab, growing crops indoors without soil. This innovative approach not only teaches them about sustainable agriculture but also instills a sense of environmental stewardship.

Through the hydroponic lab, students at PS 25 are learning the ins and outs of urban farming. They are planting seeds, nurturing plants, and witnessing the rewards of their efforts as they harvest healthy foods. This hands-on experience not only teaches them about the science behind agriculture but also provides valuable life skills such as teamwork, responsibility, and problem-solving.

By engaging students in urban farming, the hydroponic lab at PS 25 is empowering them to become active participants in their own food production. They are learning about the importance of sustainable practices, such as conserving water and reducing waste. This knowledge will stay with them as they grow and become responsible global citizens who care for their environment.

Supporting STEM Education and Environmental Science

Explore how the hydroponic lab at PS 25 The Bilingual School is promoting STEM education and inspiring students to develop an interest in environmental science and sustainability.

The hydroponic lab at PS 25 is not just about growing crops; it is also a platform for promoting STEM education. Students are immersed in a hands-on learning environment where they can apply scientific concepts and principles. They learn about plant biology, water chemistry, and the engineering behind hydroponic systems.

Through this unique educational experience, students are developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They are encouraged to ask questions, conduct experiments, and analyze data. The hydroponic lab serves as a catalyst for their curiosity, inspiring them to explore the fascinating world of environmental science.

By integrating STEM education with environmental science, the hydroponic lab at PS 25 is preparing students for the challenges of the future. They are gaining the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing environmental issues and contribute to sustainable solutions. This hands-on approach to learning is sparking their interest and setting them on a path towards a rewarding career in STEM fields.

Creating a Sustainable Future for Communities

Learn how the hydroponic lab at PS 25 The Bilingual School, supported by the New York Power Authority, is promoting sustainable food production and environmental justice in underserved communities.

The hydroponic lab at PS 25 is part of the New York Power Authority's commitment to environmental justice. It aims to provide educational resources to students living in underserved communities and promote sustainable food production. By supporting initiatives like the hydroponic lab, the Power Authority is empowering communities to take control of their food sources and build a more sustainable future.

Through the hydroponic lab, students at PS 25 are not only learning about sustainable agriculture but also becoming advocates for environmental justice. They are gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of food production on their communities and the environment. This knowledge empowers them to make informed choices and take action to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

By investing in green classrooms and community laboratories, the New York Power Authority is fostering a sense of environmental stewardship among young people. These initiatives not only provide educational opportunities but also promote community engagement and collaboration. Together, we can create a sustainable future for all.


The launch of the hydroponic lab at PS 25 The Bilingual School in the Bronx marks a significant milestone in transforming education and promoting sustainability. Through hands-on experience with urban farming, students are gaining valuable life skills, fostering a love for science and environmental stewardship, and preparing for a future in STEM fields. Supported by the New York Power Authority, this innovative program is empowering communities and creating a more sustainable future for all.


What is a hydroponic lab?

A hydroponic lab is a controlled environment where crops are grown indoors without soil. Instead, plants are grown in nutrient-rich water solutions, allowing for efficient and sustainable food production.

What is the goal of the hydroponic lab at PS 25?

The goal of the hydroponic lab at PS 25 is to provide students with hands-on experience in urban farming, teaching them about sustainable agriculture, STEM education, and environmental science. It aims to inspire a love for science and empower students to become responsible global citizens.

How is the hydroponic lab promoting environmental justice?

The hydroponic lab at PS 25, supported by the New York Power Authority, is promoting environmental justice by providing educational resources to underserved communities. It aims to empower students to take control of their food sources, address environmental issues, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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