Unveiling the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop: Training, Networking, and the Latest Trends

Welcome to the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop! Get ready to dive into the world of multidimensional chromatography as we bring together experts and new users in this exciting field. From January 10th to the 12th, 2024, California State University, Los Angeles will be buzzing with training sessions, networking opportunities, and the latest trends in multidimensional chromatography. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of multidimensional gas chromatography (GC) and multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC), and discover how these techniques are shaping various industries and research areas.

Keynote Speakers: Experts Sharing the Latest Trends

Discover the lineup of keynote speakers at the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop and get ready to learn from their expertise.

Unveiling the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop: Training, Networking, and the Latest Trends - -2068625397

One of the highlights of the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop is the presence of esteemed keynote speakers. We have gathered experts from both academic and industry research backgrounds to share their insights and discuss the latest trends in multidimensional chromatography.

Dr. Sarah Prebihalo from the United States Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Qinggang Wang from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dr. Thomas Bouvarel from Genentech, and Dr. Gwen O'Sullivan from Mount Royal University will take the stage to address the evolution and challenges of multidimensional chromatography in their respective presentations.

Get ready to be inspired and gain valuable knowledge from these renowned experts in the field of multidimensional chromatography.

Guided Discussions: Exploring Key Areas of Multidimensional Chromatography

Engage in insightful guided discussions during the workshop to delve deeper into key areas of multidimensional chromatography.

At the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, we are offering participants the opportunity to join guided discussions on various important topics in the field. These discussions will provide a platform for in-depth exploration and knowledge sharing.

Advantages and Limitations of GC×GC in Government and Industrial Laboratories

One of the guided discussions will focus on the advantages and limitations of GC×GC in government and industrial laboratories. We will dive into the potential of multidimensional separations in these settings and explore how they can be elevated to improve analytical capabilities.

Development of a Standard Test Mixture for Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography

The second guided discussion will revolve around the development of a standard test mixture for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. This test mixture will serve as a benchmark to compare system performance across instruments and laboratories, ensuring consistency and reliability in results.

Don't miss out on these engaging discussions where you can contribute, learn from others, and gain valuable insights into the future of multidimensional chromatography.

Poster Session: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Research

Explore the poster session at the workshop and witness the latest advancements in multidimensional chromatography.

The workshop will feature an exciting poster session where researchers can showcase their cutting-edge work in multidimensional chromatography. This session provides a platform for presenters to highlight their research findings and innovations.

Presenters will have the opportunity to compete for the prestigious Multidimensional GC Poster Award and the Multidimensional LC Poster Award, sponsored by the American Chemical Society's Subdivision on Separations Chemistry and Chromatography.

Immerse yourself in the world of multidimensional chromatography through these captivating poster presentations and witness the advancements shaping the field.

Registration: Join the Workshop for Free

Learn how to register for the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop and secure your spot in this valuable event.

Registration for the 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop is completely free, making it accessible to anyone interested in this field. Whether you are a seasoned expert or new to multidimensional chromatography, this workshop offers a valuable opportunity to enhance your skills, expand your network, and stay updated with the latest trends.

To register, simply visit our website at www.multidimensionalchromatography.com and complete the registration process. Don't miss out on this exciting event!

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